Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy encompasses any hands-on techniques used to decrease pain and improve range of motion and flexibility to stiff joints and muscles in any part of the body.   

This type of therapy includes: mobilization, manipulation, soft tissue techniques, and muscle stretching. 

Both mobilizations and manipulation are key components of Manual Therapy as they restore the power of movement to joints and associated muscles.

Manual Physical Therapy is based on careful examination of the patient’s movement patterns, including range of motion issues and the subsequent overcompensation that can prevent healing. Research has shown that the most effective physical therapy treatments involve a combination of customized Manual Therapy interventions combined with targeted exercise. 

Patients with a variety of disabilities and orthopedic conditions may benefit from Manual Physical Therapy. Current research confirms that Manual Physical Therapy combined with therapeutic exercise can produce rapid pain relief and improved function in the following conditions:  low back pain, neck pain, muscle-tension headaches, hip and knee osteoarthritis, and shoulder pain.